Restraining Orders and Protection Orders
When abuse happens in the home it can be difficult to know where to turn to find safety. If you or one of your children is being abused by someone in your household, it’s vital that you take action now to protect yourself and your loved ones. It’s normal to feel scared and intimidated, but our Washington protection order lawyers can help you by seeking aid from the court.
When people find themselves in an abusive situation, the court offers relief in the form of a protection order, also known as a restraining order. You may not even know if what you are experienced is truly abuse, but our Washington restraining order attorneys can help you seek redress if you are the victim of pushing, punching, threats, emotional or sexual abuse.
In situations where a person is wrongly accused of abuse, it is just as important to discuss your situation with qualified Washington restraining order lawyers who understand the law.
Do you need a Washington State restraining order? Get more information from one of our experienced Washington protection order attorneys.When you work with one of our Washington protection order lawyers, they deal with the court on your behalf to schedule a court date so that your situation can be addressed. Any pertinent information will be reviewed by our Washington restraining order attorneys including testimony from any witnesses of abuse, medical records, or any other evidence that shows violence was used against you.
If the evidence presented to the court by our Washington restraining order lawyers proves sufficient, the person who was responsible for the abuse will not be allowed to contact you in any way. Violations of these orders could result in a jail sentence for the abuser, and if this happens you need to contact our Washington protection order attorneys without delay.
If the order you obtain is against a spouse who resides in the same dwelling they may be required to move out of the domicile for your protection. In most cases, people abide by these kinds of orders and the victim is fully protected.
Do you have questions about a Washington restraining order? Our Washington restraining order attorneys offer a confidential consultation.If you find yourself the victim of abuse in your own household, it’s comforting to know that there is a way out of the situation. Our legal professionals can help you determine a course of action that suits your particular situation. Our Washington protection order lawyers take a compassionate approach to these difficult situations, and will aggressively fight for your safety.
You can talk to one of our Washington restraining order lawyers today, confidentially and without risk, by taking advantage of our free case evaluation offer.
If you’ve been unfairly charged with abuse, then our team of professionals will work hard to clear your name and protect your rights in court.
Remember, there is never an excuse for abuse, so contact our law office today and make sure you get the protection you deserve.