Child Relocation
In a divorce situation, questions involving relocation of a child can be some of the most difficult to answer. Every case is unique, and laws dealing with relocating children in Washington State are complicated. For these reasons you should talk to one of our Tacoma child relocation attorneys if you are seeking to initiate, or object to, your child’s relocation.
Our Tacoma child relocation lawyers can evaluate your case and devise an aggressive strategy that gives you the best chance for an acceptable solution. According to the law, the parent with primary custody is allowed to relocate provided they follow the proper statutory notice requirements. Our Tacoma divorce lawyers are well versed in these complex parenting plan laws, and have decades of combined experience in family law court.
If a parent wants to relocate there is nothing the court can do to prevent them from doing so. However, the court can consider whether the children will be allowed to relocate with the parent. With so many variables it is highly recommended that you go over the details of your case with one of our Tacoma parenting plan attorneys as soon as possible. There are legal requirements that must be followed, and our Tacoma child relocation attorneys can help you ensure you are adhering to these mandated guidelines.
What if I Want to Prevent my Child from Relocating? Our Child Relocation Lawyers in Tacoma AnswerIn cases where a parent wants to prevent a child from relocation, the court will entertain a variety of factors in making a final determination. Keep in mind that the court will put the best interests of the child ahead of every other consideration, while pondering issues such as the stability of the relationship with the non-relocating parent and any prior parenting plan agreements between both parties. Many other facts could also be considered, and our Tacoma child relocation lawyers can help you ascertain those that apply to your situation.
In cases where custody of the child is equally shared, other factors are involved relative to modifications of a parenting plan. Obviously, there is a lot of nuance to these cases that requires the experience of qualified Tacoma divorce lawyers. Don’t take any chances with the lives of the people who you hold most dear, contact one of our parenting plan Tacoma divorce lawyers today and start getting facts that you can use.
Contact Our Tacoma Child Relocation Attorneys for a Free ConsultationYou can talk to one of our Tacoma child relocation lawyers today with no obligation or monetary expenditure. Our Tacoma divorce lawyers offer a free consultation so that you can learn more about your legal rights in cases involving child relocation.
If you’ve recently been served with paperwork indicating that an ex-spouse is planning to relocate, don’t waste any time in contacting one of our Tacoma parenting plan attorneys. Time is of the essence, and you could only have days to take legal action. Our divorce lawyers are ready to help you with your parenting plan issues, so contact us today.