One of the most stressful and embarrassing crimes you can be charged with is patronizing or soliciting a prostitute. Certain jurisdictions conduct stings to catch potential “johns.”
A solicitation/patronizing charge is a misdemeanor, which means the maximum penalty is 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. However, there are normally additional administrative fees and court costs imposed, especially with this type of criminal charge. The courts normally also impose probation and a stay out of area order and ask for a DNA test.
Solicitation is described as when a person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. Sexual conduct is defined very broadly to include any type of sexual contact, not simply just having actual sex. Sexual contact means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party or a third party.
If you find yourself facing a solicitation charge, don't wait to contact our office to discuss your options. Our experienced, professional staff and criminal defense attorneys are familiar with these unfortunate situations and can help you get through it.