Fish & Wildlife Charges in Seattle
Most individuals facing a Fish & Wildlife charge ended up in that position due to an honest mistake. Unfortunately, Fish & Wildlife officers are not very understanding when it comes to mistakes. They will recommend you be charged with every possible violation under the sun. Walked into the wrong area? You are charged with a crime. Went out on the wrong day? You are charged with a crime. Used the wrong type of gun? You are charged with a crime.
Depending on the circumstances of your situation, you could be facing jail time, fines, restitution, probation, loss of hunting and fishing privileges, and even having your property seized and forfeited. If you had your belongings seized, it is especially important you contact an attorney as soon as possible. There are deadlines that must be met; otherwise, you could lose your right to fight for your property.
If you have questions regarding a Fish & Wildlife charge you are currently facing, do not hesitate to give our office a call. An experienced Seattle, WA criminal defense attorney at our firm can help you find the best possible solution for your case.