Being accused of soliciting or patronizing a prostitute can be one of the most embarrassing and stressful crimes to face. These charges are more prevalent in some jurisdictions as opposed to others due to local law enforcement agencies conducting stings to catch potential customers (also commonly referred to as “Johns.”)
A solicitation charge is a misdemeanor which means the maximum penalty you can receive is a 90 day jail sentence and a $1,000 fine. In addition to that, courts will typically order probation, stay out of area instructions, a DNA test, and additional administrative fees and court costs which can push the total financial penalty above $1,000.
“Solicitation” is when an individual engages or agrees to or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another individual in return for a fee. The definition of sexual conduct is very broad. It includes any type of sexual contact, not just actual intercourse. Any type of touching of sexual or intimate parts done with the intent of gratifying sexual desire of either party or a third party is deemed sexual conduct.
If you have questions about your current case, do not hesitate to give our office a call. Our professional staff and attorneys will be more than happy to provide you with a free consultation.