Theft in Gig Harbor
Theft is a crime that may apply to a number of different situations. If you've been charged with theft, you likely have questions about the punishments you face, or whether you'll end up behind bars. If you are convicted of theft, you will incur court-imposed punishments that vary depending on the severity of the original offense.
You will also have to deal with the embarrassment of being labeled a thief. The acquisition of a criminal record could also make it difficult for you to find work or even rent an apartment. Our Gig Harbor theft attorneys urge you to take theft charges seriously and pursue whatever means legally possible to minimize the damage of a conviction. Keep in mind that theft crimes are often prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Our team of Washington State lawyers will aggressively pursue the best possible resolution of your case, so it's vital that you contact us today and provide us with the details surrounding your arrest.
Theft is defined as taking property that does not belong to you, and sometimes these crimes involve violence or coercion. You may be charged with theft in situations where robbery, fraud, embezzlement, or shoplifting is alleged. If a deadly weapon is used, or if financial institution like a bank is targeted, a conviction could mean a lengthy prison sentence.
First Degree Theft - If the value of stolen merchandise is valued at more than $1,500, first degree theft is often the charge. This Class B Washington felony could incur penalties that include up to ten years in prison and up to $20,000 in fines, if convicted.
Second Degree Theft - This crime is a Class C felony, and is charged to persons who steal merchandise valued between $750 and $1,500. Criminal convictions for second degree theft incur mandatory prison sentences of up to five years and up to $10,000 in fines.
Third Degree Theft - This crime is a gross misdemeanor in the State of Washington, and is charged in situations where stolen items are valued at less than $750. A conviction for third degree theft in Gig Harbor could mean up to a year in jail and fines totaling $5,000.
Defending someone against theft charges in Washington is never easy, but our Gig Harbor theft lawyers explore every alternative and work patiently with prosecutors to ensure you obtain the best end result possible. Your lawyer may even be able to explore a diversion program if you have no prior criminal convictions, which prevents you from obtaining a criminal record, helping to keep your life on track.
Get Detailed Legal Information From Our Professional Gig Harbor Theft AttorneysIf you've been charged with a Gig Harbor theft crime and have never been in trouble with the law, it may be possible for your attorney to seek a reduction of your charges and/or punishments. Your Gig Harbor theft lawyer will act as your personal advocate with the court. This is important because most of our clients have never been in trouble with the law before, and are immediately overwhelmed by the court system.
The Gig Harbor theft attorneys at the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe are ready to aggressively defend your legal rights. We've know how devastating a theft conviction can be, and understand that you want to work with a lawyer who will fight on your behalf.
Schedule a free legal consultation today, so that one of our theft attorneys can answer your questions and help you take the next step. The stakes are always high in Gig Harbor theft cases, but we won't pressure you in any way. In fact, we encourage you to find a lawyer whom you fully trust because your future, your freedom, and your reputation are all in jeopardy.
Give us a call and get legal guidance from professional WA theft attorneys who care about the end result.