Reckless Driving in Kirkland
Reckless driving charges in Kirkland are often underestimated, and a conviction can incur repercussions that will dramatically affect your life. Penalties may include jail time and expensive fines. And, if you are convicted of Reckless Driving, the suspension of your driving privileges for 30 days is a certainty.
This suspension is statutory mandate. No exceptions. A reckless driving conviction in Kirkland incurs a 30-day mandatory driver's license suspension, as well as a possible sentence of up to 364 days in jail and fines totaling up to $5,000. Plus, you will be required to carry expensive SR-22 auto insurance for 3 years after the reinstatement of your Washington State driver's license. This will likely cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket.
Reckless driving is a gross misdemeanor crime. But, it can cause severe damage to your reputation, your driving privileges, and your finances. If you’ve been charged with reckless driving and have concerns or questions, we strongly encourage you to immediately contact the Kirkland reckless driving attorneys at the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe today. We will answer your questions and help you determine how to successfully fight this serious charge.
The laws in Washington State that deal with reckless driving offenses can be confusing, which is why it's beneficial to work with an experienced attorney. Our Kirkland reckless driving lawyers will work to protect your interests while we make a serious effort to determine whether your charges can be reduced or dismissed.
Reckless driving cases regularly involve drivers traveling at excessive speeds. Motorists may be charged with reckless driving if they ignore road conditions that warrant extra care, or if they drive at speeds that show wanton disregard for other people or their property.
The main goal of your Kirkland lawyer will be to keep you validly licensed to drive and out of jail. We will also attempt to minimize other penalties that may be associated with the crime. The final outcome of your case will likely be influenced by the nature of the police reports and other pertinent factors.
Can A Kirkland Reckless Driving Charge Be Fought? The simple answer is, yes. But be assured, if you are charged with reckless driving you will be prosecuted as a criminal. Most of our Reckless Driving clients never viewed themselves as a criminal, and we don't see them as one either. People can make mistakes or act without thinking, which is often the cause of someone speeding, acting recklessly or having a fit of road rage. Hardworking and honest people find themselves charged with reckless driving in Washington State every day, so be assured you aren't the first person to find yourself dealing with the repercussions of an arrest or citation.
Our lawyers may be able to uncover problems with the case that could lead to a dismissal of the charge. However, we need ample time to develop a resolute defense, which is why you should speak with one of our Kirkland reckless driving attorneys today.
Take advantage of our free consultation offer and start getting accurate legal information regarding your case. Staying validly licensed and out of jail is important for everyone, which is what we prioritize as we investigate your case.
There is a lot of misleading information available on the internet pertaining to reckless driving charges in Washington State. Factual legal information is what you need when handling any criminal charge, so get the facts from a Kirkland lawyer who has your best interests in mind.