Racing in Kirkland
Drag racing, street racing, and any other form of “unsanctioned” racing in Kirkland is considered a serious crime. Racing in Washington State is loosely defined as any “Any person or persons who willfully compare or contest relative speeds by operation of one or more motor vehicles”. This typically results in a Racing or Reckless Driving criminal charge.
If you're convicted of this offense, you will face mandatory and discretionary penalties that could adversely affect your life. Again, Racing is defined as engaging in a contest of relative speed with another vehicle, according to Washington law. But, we often defend Kirkland clients who swear to us that they were NOT racing, that the cop was just mistaken. It happens. But, in today’s world, you can be sure that the police and the prosecutor’s office will assume the worst.
Reckless driving and racing are treated similarly, and the consequences are identical. Reckless driving is showing a willful wonton disregard for person and property, so the law seeks to penalize this irresponsible behavior. At the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe our racing attorneys can help you prepare a defense to help prevent you from feeling the full effects of a conviction.
Our experienced team of Kirkland racing lawyers handle countless racing cases every year. Let us put our knowledge of the law to work for you, in an effort to avoid the damaging repercussions a conviction could cause. In Kirkland, a racing conviction is a gross misdemeanor, and will incur mandatory penalties that include up to a year in jail and fines of up to $5,000. Your driver's license will be suspended, and you will be required to carry expensive SR-22 (high-risk) auto insurance for three years.
Doing everything you can to mitigate these penalties is a good idea. Our Kirkland criminal attorneys can help you ascertain your legal options ,and then work along with you to full develop a defense. There is a lot of distorted legal information on the Internet, and racing law can be difficult to understand. If you fail to fully understand the complexities of your situation, you could find yourself in jail or without a driver’s license.
In Kirkland, drivers sometimes are falsely accused of street racing. This situation warrants extra diligence from our Kirkland racing lawyers. Nobody deserves to be accused of a crime that they did not commit, which is why we take these situations very seriously. Our Kirkland racing lawyers will conduct a thorough investigation of your case in an effort to reveal any information that could be used to have your charges dropped, or the penalties associated with the crime alleviated in some way.
Reach The Checkered Flag Successfully In Court With Help From Our Kirkland Racing Attorneys Contact our Kirkland law office and talk to one of our experienced lawyers if you find yourself charged with a racing crime. By using our extensive legal experience, we will ensure you are treated fairly. Your Kirkland criminal defense lawyer will also make sure that you get to tell your story, while acting as your personal advocate with the court. Call us to arrange your free case evaluation in Kirkland today.
If you find yourself forced into an unwanted pit stop because of a street racing charge, speak to one of our professional Kirkland racing lawyers and get help that you can trust. If money is an issue and you're worried about paying our fee, don’t worry. Our Kirkland attorneys offer various payment options, so you can afford quality legal care from experienced legal professionals who care about the end result.
A racing conviction in Kirkland is more than just an unwanted pit stop. You could end up losing your driving license, which would leave you without a means to get to work, pick up your kids at school, or even run a simple errand. Let us help you avoid this end result so that you can reach the checkered flag.