Malicious Mischief in Gig Harbor
The law defines malicious mischief as the willful destruction of someone else's property, and a conviction carries some severe penalties. Vandalism, graffiti, and other forms of property destruction all qualify, and these crimes are far more serious than many people realize.
The severity of a malicious mischief charge is determined by the value of the property that was destroyed or damaged, according to Washington State law. Even the act of spray painting your name on a wall could lead to a serious felony conviction, prison time, and a criminal record. The Gig Harbor malicious mischief attorneys from the law office of Jason S. Newcombe are ready to help you better understand the complex laws relative to this crime.
First Degree Malicious Mischief is a Class B felony that results from causing property damage or destruction valued in excess of $5,000. A conviction for first-degree malicious mischief could incur up to a ten year prison sentence, and fines totaling $20,000.
Second Degree Malicious Mischief is a Class C felony that results from causing property damage or destruction valued from $750 to $5,000. A conviction for second-degree malicious mischief in the State of Washington could result in a sentence of up to five years in prison and fines of $20,000.
Third Degree Malicious Mischief is not a felony, but it is a gross misdemeanor. You can be charged with this crime if you damage or destroy property valued below $750. A conviction for this crime could land you in jail for up to a year and incur fines totaling $5,000.
With more than 30 years of combined legal experience, our Gig Harbor malicious mischief lawyers understand how to defend clients against these serious criminal charges.
Contact Our Gig Harbor Malicious Mischief Attorneys Today For A Free ConsultationOur WA State lawyers may be able to outline avenues of defense you may not have considered. Every Gig Harbor malicious mischief attorney in our law office makes it a priority to conduct their own investigation of the facts, so that a suitable defense can be presented to the prosecutor.
The prosecutor is responsible for proving the value of the destroyed or damaged property in every malicious mischief case. Your Gig Harbor attorney may be able to have your charges reduced if it can be proven that their calculations are erroneous or incorrect. The disparity of just a few dollars can mean the difference between a felony and misdemeanor, or prison time and freedom.
Minimizing your punishments is the number-one goal of our qualified legal team. We may even bring in an expert to offer testimony concerning the value of the property in question. Obviously, there is a big difference between a valuable family heirloom and a worthless item that only possesses sentimental value to the owner, and the difference could directly affect your freedom.
Contact our law office in Washington today for a free consultation, and we will answer all of your questions without obligation.
Get more information about malicious mischief law in Washington by contacting one of our Gig Harbor malicious mischief lawyers today. Your consultation is free. The details of your criminal case will determine the various lines of defenses we explore. Remember that it takes time to prepare a defense, so please call our Gig Harbor law office without delay.
If you're worried about the cost of our legal fees as we handle your malicious mischief case, please note that we offer our clients convenient payment plans that acknowledge your budget. This means that you don't have to sacrifice the quality of your Gig Harbor legal defense as you do everything in your power to retain your freedom.