Forgery in Bremerton

In Washington State, forgery is defined as “...intent to injure or defraud.” The pertinent legal code states that forgery happens when, “(a) He or she falsely makes, completes, or alters a written instrument or;
(b) He or she possesses, utters, offers, disposes of, or puts off as true a written instrument which he or she knows to be forged.”
Many people think forgery only applies to situations where bad checks or counterfeit money is used to make purchases, but there are other common examples of this crime. Anyone that attempt to falsify any legal or government-issued document can be charged with forgery. This may include:
- works of art
- wills
- driver's licenses
- prescriptions
- many other documents
Forgery is a serious felony crime, and punishments for a conviction will be swift and severe. If you or a loved one is charged with this criminal offense, we urge you to speak with one of our Bremerton forgery attorneys without delay. With more than 50 years of collective experience, our Washington criminal defense lawyers have encountered numerous situations that could lead to an arrest for this crime. If you are innocent, our legal team will work tirelessly in an effort to uncover evidence that will help your case.
To accomplish this goal, your Bremerton forgery lawyer will conduct an independent investigation of the evidence. If possible, your lawyer will seek to have your charges dismissed. If not, the next course of action is to seek an arrangement with the prosecutor in an effort to minimize your punishments. If necessary, our aggressive litigators are not afraid to take your case all the way to trial in the Kitsap County Superior Court, which is located in Port Orchard.
Felony Conviction for Forgery should be Avoided at all CostsForgery is a Class C felony in the State of Washington. The punishments resulting from a Class C felony conviction include a prison sentence of up to 5 years and fines that could total $10,000. Prosecutors often seek maximum sentences for forgery crimes, so even first-time offenders often receive a prison sentence. Equally devastating is the fact that a conviction means acquiring a criminal record.
Forgery is a type of identity theft, which is why prosecutors treat this cases so seriously. If you consider how the crime affects the victim, this makes sense. Because of the criminal's actions in a forgery case, an innocent person may not be able to pay their bills or even buy groceries for their kids. In some cases, the victim may even pursue civil damages against the accused, which makes legal representation even more vital.
Our Bremerton forgery attorneys have handled countless felony cases, and they will ensure that your interests are protected every step of the way.
Don't Talk to a Prosecutor or Anyone in Law Enforcement Until You Contact a Qualified Kitsap County Forgery LawyerOftentimes, law enforcement personnel and prosecutors will offer leniency in return for an admission of guilt. Sometimes innocent people feel pressured into admitting that they committed a crime. NEVER agree to an interview with any law enforcement agent without an experienced Bremerton forgery attorney at your side. You have legal rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, which your attorney is sworn to protect. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law, and you can guarantee that it will be, regardless of what you're told by a prosecutor seeking an easy conviction. Make sure you have quality legal guidance by contacting an attorney without delay.
Your Initial Consultation with a Bremerton Forgery Lawyer is FreeIf you or a loved on has been charged with forgery, contact our law office in Port Orchard for a free consultation. You have legal options guaranteed by Washington Law, and we can help you better understand how to use them to your advantage.
All of the best Bremerton criminal defense lawyers will tell you the same thing – you should do everything in your power to avoid a felony conviction. Every member of our legal team will aggressively defend your interests and ensure that your legal rights are protected.