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Drug Crimes in Redmond

Our Redmond Drug Attorneys Can Help If You've Been Arrested For Drugs

Redmond CourtThere are a number of different drug crimes, and they are all treated with the utmost seriousness in Washington State. The penalties that accompany a conviction can have a far-reaching effect on your life, and even land you in prison. Municipal, State, and Federal law enforcement officers often seek maximum sentences for those accused of drug crimes. The Seattle area is a hub of illegal drug trafficking because the airport, seaports, and close proximity of the I-5 Corridor creates a transportation nexus for criminals seeking to traffic drugs.

The Redmond area commonly sees problems with drugs like heroin, crystal meth, prescription drugs, and cocaine. Whether trafficking or selling drugs, prosecutors will often seek maximum sentences for anyone making, dealing, or in possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia. If you are charged with a drug crime in the State of Washington, our Redmond drug lawyers will defend your legal rights while fighting to minimize the penalties that a conviction will incur.

Redmond Police Department Mandatory punishments for drug crimes include a prison sentence, and other serious penalties. Violations of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, also called VUSCA, will likely make those penalties even more severe. Manufacturing drugs will usually lead to prosecution for this violation, but sometimes a simple drug possession charge qualifies. Our Redmond drug attorneys will help you better understand the complexities of Washington State drug laws, explain the punishments associated with a conviction, and then help you determine your best course of action to develop a defense.

Drug crime charges may include:

  • Possession
  • Sales or delivery
  • Possession with intent to sell
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Drug DUI
  • Drug manufacturing or importation

The federal schedule of the drug will also be taken into consideration by the court. The amount of the drug under the accuser's possession when arrested will also factor into the equation.

If you have prior criminal convictions in Washington State, the penalties for yet another conviction will be even more severe. If it's a first offense, the court may allow the accused to enter a diversion program, which would prevent the acquisition of a criminal record.

Contact The Law Office Of Jason S. Newcombe Today For Help

Redmond Police Car If you've been charged with a drug crime in Washington State, contact our professional Redmond law office without delay. Talk to one of our Redmond drug attorneys without cost. We have more than 30 years of combined legal experience, and routinely see how devastating a drug crime conviction can be.

Our Redmond drug lawyers will investigate the details surrounding your arrest in an effort to uncover evidence that supports your defense. Our defense strategy will be designed to have your charges dismissed or reduced in some way, but the outcome will likely depend on the details in the police reports, relative evidence, and whether you have prior convictions.

Protect your future with help from our Redmond attorneys, and take advantage of our free case evaluation offer without delay.

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