Restraining Orders and Protection Orders in Seattle

Our Seattle protection order attorneys can help you obtain a Washington restraining order

If you've become a victim of abuse in your own home then you may be wondering where to turn for relief. If you or your children are being abused by someone you live with, this emotionally devastating experience must stop as quickly as possible. While our Seattle protection order lawyers understand that you’re scared and concerned for your well-being, we want you to understand that the court can offer you protection.

The Washington Court can issue an order of protection designed to offer you relief from abuse, and this is more commonly called a restraining order. Our Seattle restraining order attorneys can help you understand what actions are considered abuse, but they often include pushing, punching, kicking, emotional abuse, threats of violence, and sexual abuse.

If you've been wrongly accused of abuse then you have legal rights that must be acknowledged by the court, and you should waste no time in discussing your situation with one of our Seattle restraining order lawyers.

Get help today from our Seattle restraining order attorneys

Our Seattle protection order lawyers can petition the court on your behalf while acting as your personal advocate. Our Seattle protection order attorneys will seek to acquire evidence that shows you or your children were a victim of violence and abuse, and this evidence may include medical records or eyewitness testimony.

If successful in their petition, our Seattle restraining order lawyers will be able to prevent the abuser from contacting you in any way. If they then violate the court order, they could be subject to time in jail. For this reason, if they try to contact you after an order has been issued then it's important for you to immediately contact one of our Seattle protection order attorneys.

If the person you were granted an order against lives in your place of residence, then they may be required to move out for your protection and the protection of your children. Many people are unaware that orders of protection are almost always followed, and are one of the best and most effective ways to seek shelter from an abuser.

Take the first step by contacting one of our Seattle restraining order attorneys for a free consultation

If you are a victim of abuse, it's important to recognize that there is a way out. Our Seattle protection order lawyers will fight for your safety while compassionately addressing the emotional needs of both you and your children.

Our Seattle restraining order lawyers also understand the sensitive nature of these issues, so you can contact us today for a free case evaluation that will be kept completely confidential.

Whether you've been wrongly accused of abuse, or are a victim of someone else's abusive behavior, we will put our legal experience to work for you and for those whom you love.

There is never a valid reason to except abusive behavior, so contact us today and take the first step toward a brighter future.

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