
No Contact Order Violation

If you or a loved one is facing a violation of a no-contact order, it’s important to understand the potential legal consequences and how we can help. A no-contact order is a legal directive issued by a court to prevent communication or interaction between specific individuals, often due to concerns over safety or harassment. Violating these orders can lead to serious criminal charges, including jail time and fines.

Our skilled attorneys have decades of experience handling this complex criminal matter throughout Washington state, and we’re committed to defending your rights.

Our team specializes in navigating the complexities of criminal law, particularly in situations involving protective orders, domestic violence, and related offenses. With a deep understanding of the legal system and a proven track record of success, we offer personalized strategies tailored to your unique case.

Whether you’ve been accused of violating a no-contact order or are facing any other criminal charges, our attorneys will work tirelessly to achieve the most optimal outcome. They will guide you through every step of the process and ensure you receive a fair trial.

Understanding No Contact Order Violations

In Washington state, violating a no-contact order is governed by RCW 10.99.040. This specifically addresses violations of these court-issued protection orders. If someone knowingly violates the terms of a no-contact order, they could face charges of contempt of court, which is classified as a criminal offense.

Depending on the severity and circumstances surrounding the violation, it may result in misdemeanor or felony charges. Additionally, if the person accused has a history of similar offenses, this can lead to enhanced penalties.

  • RCW 10.99.040 - Protection Orders for Domestic Violence Victims
    This statute allows a court to issue a no-contact order in domestic violence cases, requiring that you stay away from the victim. The order can be issued during criminal proceedings, such as pretrial hearings, and remains in effect even if the criminal charges are later dropped or dismissed. Violating this order can result in criminal charges for contempt of court and further penalties.
  • RCW 26.50.110 - Violating a Protection Order
    RCW 26.50.110 specifically outlines the penalties for violating a protection order in domestic violence cases. It includes penalties for knowingly violating any provision of a protection order, including no contact provisions that the court established. If you violate a no-contact order, it can lead to a gross misdemeanor charge, an offense that is punishable by up to 364 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000. The penalty may increase if the violation involves a violent act or threats.
  • RCW 9A.46.040 - Stalking and No Contact Orders
    If your case also involves stalking, Washington law allows a no-contact order to be issued as a part of the legal protection for the victim. Violating this order can result in more criminal charges and severe penalties because the state takes stalking-related no-contact order violations very seriously.
  • RCW 9A.36.080 - Criminal Harassment and No Contact Orders
    Criminal harassment includes repeated behavior you engage in that is intended to intimidate, annoy, or harass someone. If you are found guilty of criminal harassment and a no-contact order is part of your sentencing, violating that order can result in additional charges.
  • RCW 7.105.410 - Violation of a Protection Order - Domestic Violence
    Thisstatute applies specifically to the violation of protection orders related to domestic violence situations. A violation of a no-contact order in this context can lead to a felony charge if you have a prior history of violating similar orders or if the violation involved threats or acts of violence.

These statutes demonstrate the absolute seriousness of no-contact orders in Washington state and the legal consequences you can face if you choose to violate them. The laws are designed to protect the victims of domestic violence, harassment, and stalking, holding you and other offenders accountable for disregarding court-issued protective measures.

Disturbing the Serene Beauty Washington Has to Offer

Washington is known for its beauty. The rugged peaks of theCascade Mountains, the serene beauty of Puget Sound, and all of its natural beauty attract visitors from around the world. The state offers lots of opportunities for outdoor adventures, peaceful retreats, and the chance to connect with nature.

Washington also shows a strong commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents. In situations where personal safety may be at risk, they take a firm stance through legal measures with no-contact orders, which ensure that the tranquility of these Washington communities remains undisturbed by abusive or threatening behavior.

No Contact Orders in Washington State

Washington state takes no-contact orders seriously, especially in the context of domestic violence and harassment cases.

We firmly believe that every no-contact order violation case can be successfully challenged in some way. Our lawyers have been successfully defending clients against criminal charges related to protection order violations throughout Washington for over 20 years.

If you or a loved one is facing charges for violating a no-contact order, you should speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible so you can work toward a more favorable outcome in your case.

A skilled criminal defense attorney can take several steps to ensure that your case is thoroughly reviewed, and they will work diligently to find the most effective defense strategies to protect your rights. Our experienced attorneys are committed to fighting for your best interests, ensuring that your case is handled with the utmost care and attention.

A no contact order can be put in place for a variety of reasons and different specific conditions. If one has been placed upon you, it is extremely important that you understand what you are specifically being ordered to do, or rather, not to do. If you are found to have violated the conditions, you will be facing a gross misdemeanor charge, and in certain circumstances, a Class C felony.

A no contact order can be placed upon a person for a variety of reasons. Commonly, when an individual is charge with domestic violence, a judge will order the defendant not to have contact with the alleged victim. Whether your no contact order is actually a restraining order or an anti-harassment order, it is important to take it seriously and to follow the court’s instructions.

Typically, a no contact order specifically prohibits any type of contact. This includes physical, verbal (in person and phone), electronic (emails and texts), and messages sent through third parties. The contact prohibition is not simply prohibiting you from initiating contact but from having the actual contact. So you can get in trouble if the person calls you and you speak with them. If you see the person walking down the street, it is your obligation to turn around and walk away. The fact that the other person wants you to talk to them is irrelevant. If you see the person is calling you on your caller ID, do not pick it up.

It is important that you understand that the judge is in charge of the no contact order. The other party does not have the ability to simply change their mind from one situation to the next. If there is a no contact order between you and your ex-girlfriend, and the ex then calls telling you she wants you back in her life, you should not do anything until the judge says you can contact her again or you are positive the order has expired. Even if your ex says she would never call the police on you, the reality is that the next time you guys have a fight, the cops will be called and you will go off to jail for violating the order.

A violation may be charged as a felony if the “contact” was actually an assault. An assault that would typically constitute assault 4° could become a felony if there was a no contact order in place. Additionally, you could be facing a felony if you have two or more prior convictions for violating a no contact order.

If you have questions or concerns about your present situation, do not hesitate to give our office a call for a free consultation with one of our skilled Washington criminal defense lawyers.

Client Reviews
"Great service and follow up. Its a scary thing when you need a lawyer but Jason and his team make it less so. Very happy with our outcome." Scott Thibeault
"Jason and his team are excellent!! Everyone on the staff is super helpful and always follows up as promised. Jason has continuously gone above and beyond what's expected of him, which really put me at ease and let me know he was there to have my back. He's extremely knowledgeable of the law, has tons of experience, and make sure he takes the time to get the best outcome possible. Things would have been much worse for me without Jason's help." Jesse H.
"Jason Newcombe is an excellent attorney. He is professional, well-spoken and intent on achieving the goals set out during his initial counseling. If you are looking for an attorney to best represent you throughout your court process, Mr. Newcombe is a gifted rhetoric who presents his cases flawlessly and dedicates the entirety of his free time into making sure his clients receive the best possible outcome." G. S.
"Jason Newcombe and his Associate's are all top notch individuals who will fight tooth and nail for you and go the distance to ensure that you receive the best outcome possible on your case. I would not be where I am today if not for the Law offices of Jason Newcombe." Eric Brandt
"From start to finish with the DUI process Jason Newcombe's office has been more than helpful, friendly, honest and respectful.From the beginning, Jason was on our side and fighting our battle with us. He flat out laid out our options honestly and gave us his opinion on which was the best way to go, but never made the decision for us. Jason is very professional yet personable. We are completely satisfied with our end result. Couldn't ask for a better lawyer to be on your side." Christina P.
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