When you’re charged with a DUI, act of domestic violence, or some other criminal offense, it can feel like the entire world is out to get you. There is, perhaps, no more challenging time you will ever face than being arrested on criminal charges. Not only are you suddenly forced to experience the stress and humiliation of being arrested, you will also have to appear in court and face the possibility of severe penalties and punishments.
Protect your rights and your future. Retain the services of an experienced and respected Washington State criminal defense lawyer as soon as you discover or even suspect that you are the subject of a federal investigation.
Getting reliable help from a qualified WA State Criminal LawyerAt a time when it can seem like your world is collapsing, our team of Marysville criminal defense attorneys will have your back. We are known as committed and aggressive lawyers who work hard for our clients. Our team will lead you through the process of handling your case, answering all questions you may have involving your charges and Washington state law, and then work hard to obtain the best possible result.
You aren’t expected to know the fundamentals of Washington state law. At our firm, we aid you in understanding your rights, knowing where your case stands, and recognizing your chances for dismissal or potentially accepting a plea bargain. You probably have dozens of questions like;
With over 50 years of combined experience, our law firm has seen just about everything that has gone through the Washington state law system. We’re prepared to help you understand your case from the perspective of the law, as well as to help you know how to diligently protect your rights.
Marysville Criminal Courts OverviewWhat happens after I’m arrested? If you are arrested in Snohomish County, it’s probable that you will have to appear in court. There are five different courts in Washington state: Superior, District, Supreme, Municipal, and the Court of Appeals. The majority of criminal cases in Snohomish County will be tried in either the Municipal, District, or Superior Court. The location of each trial is determined by whether a city, state or federal law has been broken.
Located right next to City Hall, the Marysville Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. This means that it may only consider and has exclusive jurisdiction over non-criminal traffic citations, as well as misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor crimes that occur within a city's boundary. Municipal courts may not hear civil cases.
District Court resolves and adjudicates infractions, criminal traffic, and criminal non-traffic violations. It also processes small claims, civil actions, name changes, anti-harassment orders, and domestic violence protection orders. The court may also hear preliminary or expedited felony cases. In a preliminary felony case, the court will determine bail, or whether the charges will necessitate further proceedings in the state superior court. The Snohomish County District Court is located in Monroe, approximately 19 miles from Marysville.
Washington has 39 Superior Courts, one in each of Washington's 39 counties. The Snohomish County Superior Court is located in Everett, approximately 6 miles south of Marysville. Superior courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction, which means that they have the authority to adjudicate cases of all kinds, not just criminal but civil, family, and probate as well. The Superior court has exclusive jurisdiction over felony cases and may act as a Court of Appeals for cases from Municipal and District court.
Understanding Your Charges-Answers from a Marysville Criminal Law AttorneyYou aren’t simply a case number; you are an individual who has been accused of a criminal offense. Whether right or wrong, you deserve trustworthy, tenacious defense during this time.Your freedom may very well depend upon it.
Our team of Washington state criminal law lawyers is here to ensure our clients receive effective and dedicated representation from start to finish. Our first job as your lawyer is to arm you with all of the necessary knowledge you’ll need about your charges and Washington state law.
You likely have questions about your rights and the potential range of outcomes for your case such as:
Each situation is different, which is why contacting our Marysville criminal law attorneys is crucial for specific guidance about your case. However, outlined below are some general answers to questions you may have.
Washington state criminal penalties are divided into two general categories, misdemeanors, and felonies. These categories are almost always determined by the amount of jail time that is possible. It's important to know how the court system treats a particular case to understand the differences. As a general rule, however, when trying to figure out what the difference is between a misdemeanor and a felony, you can look to the maximum potential jail time for the crime for the answer.
A misdemeanor is a crime punishable by less than 12 months in jail. There are two categories of misdemeanors, which are defined by the punishments applicable to each charge.
A felony is a far more serious charge and can carry the most severe consequences. Within the umbrella of felony charges, there are 3 levels or tiers, Felony class A, B, and C.
Within those two categories are numerous charges that our Marysville criminal defense attorneys have successfully argued. Listed below is just a fraction of what our team has covered.
DUI - How bad is a first offense DUI in Washington state? According to Washington state statute RCW 46.61.502
If you are a first-time offender, or if you have not had any administrative actions taken against you in the last seven years, your consequences generally are not as severe as those a repeat offender might face. That does not, however, mean you won’t face punishment. First-time DUI laws require mandatory sentencing. Hiring an experienced Marysville criminal defense attorney is the first step towards battling a DUI charge.
Assault - Washington state law doesn’t define “assault” in its criminal code, so state courts rely on common law, which defines it as intentionally inflicting unwanted physical harm. What may surprise many people is that “harm” for the purpose of the definition not only doesn’t require an injury to the victim, it doesn’t even require physical contact. It does, however, require that the action caused the victim to fear actual harm. Battery is the bodily contact of assault. It’s when an individual makes both a threat of unwanted contact and then carries out the action. If you’ve been accused of assault, it’s imperative to seek immediate counsel from a qualified Washington state criminal defense attorney.
Reckless Driving - Did you know that reckless driving and DUI are not the same and that you can be charged with one or both charges for the same offense? Reckless driving is defined as “ any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.” That means that street racing and speeding can be classified as reckless driving, regardless of whether the driver was intoxicated or sober. Being convicted of reckless driving automatically carries the penalty of driver’s license suspension for no less than 30 days, in addition to possible jail time and/or fines.
For reference consider the wording of this statute, and you can see how confusing the law can be.
RCW 46.61.500
Reckless driving—Penalty. (Effective until January 1, 2022.)
An experienced Marysville defense attorney can help you resolve your case.
This is just a small sample of the charges that the seasoned professionals on our team of Marysville criminal law lawyers have handled in the past. If you don’t see your charge listed and are curious if we can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation with one of our associates.
How can a Marysville Criminal Defense Attorney Help You?If you are facing criminal charges, you can't afford to take a chance on your defense. With your freedom, employment opportunities, and reputation at stake, it's important to turn to a defense attorney who will fight hard as your advocate. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help find details surrounding your case that can be used to your advantage and weaken the prosecution's case against you.
If you are unable to afford a private lawyer in the state of Washington, you can petition the court for a public defender, at no charge. If you are determined to be financially eligible for a public defender, the court will appoint one to you.
However, since the court appoints the attorney, you are not able to decide who is selected. If you hire a private attorney you have the ability to choose a firm that suits your specific needs. This means you can find someone who is knowledgeable in their field.
You can also make sure that you feel comfortable with this person, which can make a big difference during the stress of a lawsuit. A private attorney is going to be able to devote much more time to your case generally than the public defender. The public defender, when they come to court, may have 20 cases they have to deal with that day whereas with the private attorney, you may be the only case.
Call us today if you or a loved one needs legal assistance in a criminal case. No matter the severity of your case, our Marysville criminal defense attorneys provide you with the highest levels of attention and make every effort to fight for your best interests. We appreciate the trust that our clients have placed in us throughout the years. Let us show you the value of veteran trial experience and criminal defense specialization when you have so much at stake.
Marysville - The “Strawberry City”Located just 35 miles north of Seattle, Marysville is the second-largest city in Snohomish County. Settled in 1872 as a trading post, Marysville has seen exponential growth since, drawing settlers first with its lumber and strawberry farming, and more recently has seduced Seattle commuters with its lowered housing costs and proximity to the city.
In Marysville, the summers are short, warm, and partly cloudy and the winters are cold, wet, and mostly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 35°F to 78°F and is rarely below 24°F or above 87°F. Like the rest of the Pacific Northwest, Marysville sees more than the fair share of rain, averaging about 45 inches per year.
Nestled in the shadows of Mount Pilchuck and bordering the Tulalip Indian Reservation, Marysville is an outdoors person’s haven. Hikers can tackle the 2300 vertical feet that lead to the summit of Mount Pilchuck, or enjoy other outdoor activities such as bird watching or rock scrambling in the state parks 1900 acres. If you would prefer to commune with nature somewhere away from crowds, try The Deering Wildflower Acres, a local’s secret haven that features two miles of trail and a variety of local wildflowers including queen’s cup, wild ginger, and dog toothed violets.
In the summertime, Marysville hosts the popular Marysville Strawberry Festival. When the weather warms up and the strawberries are ripe, tourists and locals flock to this festival to enjoy activities like car shows, concerts, a carnival, and a market featuring local food and artists. In 2020 the city of Marysville started a new winter tradition called Marysville Home for the Holidays Community Lights. This event featured a printable map of participating homes and businesses that lit up their exteriors with festive decorations and lights.
Enjoying the various activities in and around Marysville is only possible outside of a jail cell. Let our team of qualified Washington state criminal lawyers help keep you free to partake in all that Marysville has to offer. Call us today for your free initial consultation.
Defense Starts with a Good OffenseIf you are faced with criminal charges, don’t put your entire future in jeopardy by settling for the services of an inexperienced Marysville criminal defense attorney. Our team has over 50 combined years of experience with Washington state criminal law. That means we know the criminal justice system, and we know how to build effective defenses.
Finding the right Washington State criminal defense attorney could be the difference between maintaining your personal freedoms and being convicted. When you are facing a criminal offense allegation, there is absolutely no time to waste in seeking legal representation. The WA State defense attorneys at our firm understand this better than anyone and will do everything in their power to ensure that you get the care, attention, and advocacy you deserve. Call us today for your free consultation, and let us put our experience to work for you.