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Unfortunately, there are times in life when you need help from an experienced lawyer. Often, the crisis hits from out of nowhere. We understand. And, when you or a love one is faced with potentially life-altering consequences that could ripple for many years to come, you want to find the best possible lawyer – someone who can help you achieve specific goals and who isn't afraid to fight on your behalf. What you need is an Olympia lawyer whom you can trust.

This applies to all legal arenas. Our Thurston County lawyers can help you with any legal matter involving:

At the Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe, we put your needs first and focus on your goals in an effort to achieve the best possible outcome. The tools we use are knowledge, dedication, hard work, and more than 50 years of real-world collective experience. Washington State laws, federal laws, and even local Olympia laws are often complex. Our role is to help you better understand how the law applies to your situation, and then ensure that your legal rights are fully protected.

Whether you live in Olympia, Tumwater, Lacey, Yelm, Rainier, or any city in between, our attorneys are here to help. Few things in life are as stressful as facing a legal crisis. We get it. You need someone who can help you navigate the choppy waters of the law. During these times, it’s important to have a steady hand at the wheel. Our lawyers have many decades of combined experience in each of practice areas, and we’ll be with you every step of the climb up the mountain.

Our Olympia and Thurston County lawyers believe that every client deserves respect, which is why we take a compassionate approach to representation. Most of the people we represent haven't been in trouble with the law, have never been arrested, and have never seen the inside of a Thurston County Courtroom. If you're unprepared to deal with any legal matter, you will quickly become overwhelmed and find it difficult to achieve any goal.

If you or someone you love needs help with a legal matter, our Olympia lawyers are ready to help them take the next step. We offer a free consultation, allowing you to get professional legal advice without spending a dime. If you decide to retain one of our experienced Olympia attorneys, they will immediately start working on your case.

The best Olympia lawyers will tell you the same thing – An attorney you can trust will sometimes tell you things you don't want to hear, but it will be something you need to hear. Developing trust with your lawyer is paramount to resolving your case. For this reason we urge you to talk to more than one lawyer and choose the one you think best suits your needs.

We are confident you will choose to work with us, because we earned our reputation through many years of dedicated service to our clients. We will do the same for you.

Olympia – The Capitol of Washington

If you're in need of a lawyer, you may have little to no experience on how to go about finding one. Dealing with matters involving divorce, bankruptcy, criminal charges, DUI, and traffic tickets is never fun and never welcome. However, when you face these crossroads in life, you need a lawyer who will help you prepare for every contingency.

Olympia is a beautiful city of less than 50,000, so it retains the charm of a smaller town, contrasting the hustle of Seattle and its surrounding communities. With a mild climate and many conservation areas, Olympia appeals to people who love and appreciate the outdoors. Even though some years see an abundance of rainfall, the nearby Olympic National Park and it's old growth rain forests offer a otherworldly beautiful that can't be found anywhere else in the United States.

If you would like to understand more about the business climate of Olympia, check out their Chamber of Commerce. There are also a number of other wonderful resources online to familiarize yourself with the happening and cultural activities available in Olympia. If you need help with a legal matter, our Thurston County lawyers are ready to help you in whatever way possible.

If you're dealing with a minor offense or citation, you may need to appear in the Olympia Municipal Court. More serious criminal cases, DUIs, and family law matter are heard in the Thurston County District Court and Thurston County Superior Court. If your thinking about declaring bankruptcy, you will need to appear in the Western Washington Bankruptcy Court.

We understand that you are eager to resolve any legal matter and move forward with your life. However, we urge you to exercise patience so that your attorney can help you achieve the best possible outcome. Our half-century of combined experience has taught us that every case has a certain “value,” which means we have an educated sense of when we are getting a good deal.

Sometimes an opposing attorney or prosecutor believes otherwise, which means we have to be both patient and aggressive with negotiations. Sometimes we have to go to trial. We are not afraid to do whatever it takes to pursue what we think is fair on your behalf, so we urge you to do the same.

It's also common for emotions to run high when dealing with legal matters, In these situations, your Thurston County attorney will urge you to remain calm and reasonable, as these qualities will help you deal with the stress often associated with divorce, bankruptcy, and criminal charges.

Are you ready to take the next step? The legal information provided to you on this page by our Olympia attorneys was written to help you better understand how the law applies to your situation. Scroll down to the appropriate section and take a look. When you're ready to find out what our attorneys can do for you, contact our law office for your own free case evaluation.

We will act as your personal advocate, and defend your legal rights.

Criminal Defense

Olympia Criminal Defense Lawyers

Whether this is the first time you have ever been charged with a crime or you have gone through the process previously, this is going to be an unpleasant experience. It is normal to feel scared, upset, frustrated, angry, and even embarrassed when being accused of a crime – whether the allegations are true or false. We are here to help you get through this difficult time so that you can move on with your life.

The time to speak to an attorney is now, not later. Later is when good options for you are no longer around. It is much more difficult to undo a bad result than try to prevent it from happening in the first place. The sooner you speak to a Thurston County criminal defense attorney, the sooner you will understand what is going on and know what you can do going forward.

Our Olympia criminal attorneys can help you with drunk driving related charges like DUI, racing, reckless driving, negligent driving, Minor DUI, physical control violation, and marijuana DUI. We can also help you prepare a defense for harassment, malicious mischief, and hit and run. Our team of qualified lawyers can also help you address accusations of committing drug crimes including possession, minor in possession, and trafficking. An attorney from our law firm in Olympia can also help you when charged with crimes of dishonesty like theft, forgery, burglary, and shoplifting.

The problem will not go away, so get professional legal guidance now

Some people have a difficult time coping, and hope it will go away. Some people think their case is no big deal and they can handle it on their own. Other people think their case is one big misunderstanding and the judge will simply dismiss the case once it's explained to him.

Let us be the first to caution you against these ideas. Your case is not going to go away on its own. Things will only get worse if you choose to ignore it. You also do not want to try to handle the problem on your own. Things are always more complicated than they may appear and it is important to have an experienced attorney guide you, and speak on your behalf.

There are always two sides to a story. It is vital that you have someone to make sure the prosecutor and the Judge get to hear your side. However, that side should not be coming directly from you because it could result in further troubles. An attorney will help protect you and make sure you tell your story truthfully and in a way that won't cause further harm.

Some people willingly admit their guilt and see little reason why they should even get an attorney. An Olympia attorney will explain how the law applies to your criminal act, and look for ways to challenge the government’s case against you. Either of which could potentially result in a more favorable resolution. At a minimum, an attorney will help make sure you understand what is going on, and be better prepared for what could happen.

There are a variety of different courts in the greater Olympia area which we service. Whether your case is in the Yelm Municipal Court, Tumwater, Lacy, or in the Thurston District court, we can help you. Each court is unique, so it is important to speak with an attorney who has experience with each of those cities.

The Law Offices of Jason Newcombe have attorneys standing by who are ready to speak to you about your situation. You can enjoy a free consultation with one of our Olympia attorneys free of charge, who will answer your questions and point you in the right direction. Do not wait until it is too late. Start speaking with an attorney today and get the facts.

Some common criminal cases heard by our Thurston County criminal defense lawyers

Our Olympia defense attorneys can handle any case involving criminal charges. The information below is provided to help you get a basic understanding of each crime.

Drunk Driving Crimes include DUI, physical control violations, minor DUI, reckless driving, negligent driving, racing, and marijuana DUI. Most people arrested for DUI have never been in trouble with the law, and just want to put the whole ordeal behind them as quickly as they can. However, you could be facing punishments like losing your driver's license, jail time, and hefty fines. If you would like more information about DUI cases and common defense strategies, see the DUI section below.

Crimes of Dishonesty are serious, and these can have many far-reaching consequences when it comes to future employment possibilities and securing housing in the future. Most employers and many landlords are now running thorough background checks on all applicants. And, if you are branded as a convicted thief, few employers will want to take the risk of hiring you. Similarly, no landlord wants to rent to someone who is convicted of theft or any other crime of dishonesty for that matter. Many crimes qualify for this category including theft, shoplifting, fraud, embezzlement, and white collar crimes. Penalties often include jail time, prison time, fines, and possible civil damages. Never underestimate criminal charges related to dishonesty. Instead, get help from one of our qualified Washington State criminal defense lawyers.

Drug Crimes are also very serious. Transporting, possessing, or dealing drugs can land you in prison for a long time. Even possession of drug paraphernalia can result in severe punishments that can have a far reaching impact on your life. Contact one of our Thurston County drug lawyers if you've been charged with any of these crimes.

Domestic Violence Crimes can vary in severity. Some are considered gross misdemeanors, and more severe situations qualify as felonies. Sometimes innocent people are accused of domestic violence and are innocent of the charges. However, even if the other party recants their story, the prosecutor may still seek maximum punishment. Don't take any chances by contacting our law office without delay.

Sex Crimes can ruin your life. Even an accusation can cause you to lose your job, family, and everything else you hold dear. A conviction will be far worse, and will likely result in prison time and being required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. If you're facing sex crime charges in Thurston County, you need to speak with an attorney right away.

Juvenile Crimes are cases involving minors, and must be treated with the utmost urgency. For a young person getting started in life, a criminal record can be devastating. Anyone with an internet connection can conduct a background check, so how can your child compete in life when they have a criminal record hanging over their head? Our Olympia lawyers treat these cases with the utmost seriousness because we understand what's at stake. If you want to protect your child's future, contact one of our criminal defense lawyers today.

DUI – Drunk Driving

Olympia DUI lawyers

Our Olympia DUI Attorneys Can Help – Contact Us Today

Have you’ve recently been arrested for a drunk driving crime in Washington? If so, you are likely filled with anxiety, doubts, and uncertainty about your future.

What happens next? How will your life, and the lives of your loved ones, be affected? What you want right now are answers, and our Olympia DUI lawyers are ready to start providing you with them, so that you can move forward with your life and put this ordeal in the past.

Our Thurston County DUI lawyers can help you deal with charges for crimes that include DUI, minor DUI, reckless driving, racing, negligent driving, marijuana DUI, and physical control violations. We will also help you fully prepare for your hearing with the Washington Department of Licensing, which is important because it's where you'll find out whether your driver's license will be suspended.

Being pulled over, forced to do a series of roadside tests, and then arrested for a DUI in Olympia, is one of the most embarrassing experiences you will ever face. A lifetime of repercussions may hardly seem fair, and while many people make the mistake of allowing an Olympia DUI to immobilize them, this reaction will only make the situation worse. The penalties associated with your WA drunk driving crime conviction will be swift, severe, and could result in hardships that are not obvious at first. The only way to minimize these penalties is to act quickly and decisively on your own behalf.

Our Olympia attorneys can help you in many different ways, but by acting as a barrier between you and state's legal machinery you will quickly regain some level of peace of mind. After an Olympia DUI arrest, your attorney's job is to ensure that you are treated fairly while keeping track of any important filing or court dates. This is at the core of quality legal counseling, and it relieves much of the stress associated with an Olympia DUI charge.

Common drunk driving crimes and how we mitigate the penalties

What follows is a brief overview of the most common DUI crimes.

DUI – This is the most common of the bunch. If you're caught driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of.08 or higher, you can be charged with a DUI in Washington State. Jail, fines, and driver's license suspension are mandatory if you're convicted. You may also face discretionary penalties on top of that. DUI charges are far more serious than many fully realize , so contact our office immediately if you've been arrested for this crime.

Physical Control Violation - You can be charged with this crime, even if you weren't driving. It's even possible to be arrested for a physical control violation if you were outside of the car when the arresting officer arrived. Obviously, a certain amount of personal discretion could lead to an arrest, so you need to make sure your legal rights are protected with help from one of our Olympia lawyers.

Reckless Driving – Reckless driving charges are also levied at the discretion of a police officer, so you should treat this type of charge with no less urgency than you would a DUI charge.

Negligent Driving First Degree – While not as serious as a reckless driving charge, you should still do everything you can to avoid the full impact of a conviction.

Racing – If you are in a contest of speed with another driver, you can be arrested for racing. This charge is identical to reckless driving and should be treated as such.

Marijuana DUI – Just a like a DUI where alcohol is involved, this crime can land you in jail, fines, and a driver's license suspension.

Minor DUI – A driver under 21 can be charged with a minor DUI with a BAC of only.02. This means that one beer can lead to a lifetime of repercussions. Protect your child's future with help from our Olympia drunk driving lawyers.

Our Olympia DUI lawyers will seek to mitigate the penalties that a conviction will impose. Mandatory DUI punishments almost always include fines, a driver’s license suspension, and time in jail, but much depends on the nature of the offense. Our Olympia DUI attorneys will explore different avenues of defense as they seek to minimize penalties in whatever way possible, but the main goal is always to keep you out of jail and validly licensed to drive.

If you believe that you were arrested for a DUI crime in Washington without merit, then you may be eager to tell your version of the events. Our Olympia DUI lawyers will make sure that you get to express your story, according to your legal rights as outlined in Washington law. Our professional team of experienced Olympia DUI attorneys enter into every WA drunk driving case believing the charges can be attacked on some level. Still, much will depend on the details in the Olympia police reports and the circumstances involving your arrest.

Our goal is to resolve your Olympia DUI case as quickly as possible so that you can move forward with your life, knowing that you did everything possible to handle your DUI case proactively.


Olympia Divorce Attorneys

Our Olympia divorce attorneys have the experience you need to help you with difficult choices.

If you are an Olympia resident with questions about divorce you may not know where to find reliable answers. Fortunately, familiarizing yourself with Washington State family law is as easy as calling an Olympia divorce lawyer from our law firm.

A divorce is all about choices – first comes the choice to get a divorce, followed by many other choices that will directly affect the lives of everyone involved. Making choices may not always be easy during an Olympia divorce, but when you can fully trust your lawyer’s counsel, then decisions are far easier to make.

Our Thurston County divorce lawyers have more than 50 years of collective experience handing divorce and family law cases. We can help you confront challenging legal issues like property division, child support, child custody, and spousal support (alimony). Our Olympia family law attorneys can also provide you with reliable legal counsel pertaining to retraining orders, child relocation situations, protection orders, and in divorce cases where large assets are at stake. If you have any questions regarding the enforcement of court orders, contempt motions, same sex divorces, or legal separation, contact our law office and speak with an attorney without cost, risk, or obligation.

All of our Olympia divorce attorneys are experienced litigators with decades of collective experience handling complex family law problems and divorce. It is vital that you trust the Olympia divorce professional handling your case, because trust will afford you the freedom to explore your options with confidence. It also makes is possible to have faith in your divorce decisions when faced with choices regarding child support, child custody, visitation, and Olympia property division.

Washington family law can be vague at times, but this is intentional so that judges have more discretion when making rulings on Olympia divorce disputes. Our Olympia divorce lawyers act as your trusted personal advocates throughout the entire process, whether it requires negotiation, mediation, or litigation.

Our team of Olympia divorce attorneys is ready to start providing you with trustworthy answers.

When you retain one of our Olympia lawyers, you are actually working with a team of professionals that will treat your case with the perseverance and dedication it deserves. They will strive to protect your legal rights while compassionately addressing your emotional needs. A divorce can be emotionally trying and create a huge financial burden depending on the circumstances, and our Olympia legal professionals will stay abreast of your situation so that they can always be of assistance.

Some people in Olympia attempt to handle their own divorce proceedings with dire consequences. While there is plenty of information about divorces on the internet, much of it is outdated or simply wrong. When you rely on bad information from the web or a friend, you risk losing the things you hold most dear in life and then having to live with regret after your Olympia divorce is finished.

When you work with an Olympia divorce lawyer from our law firm they will protect your rights, your family, and their futures by ensuring that you are getting reliable, and up-to-date legal counsel.

Contact us in Olympia today for a confidential and free case evaluation concerning your family law issue or divorce. Our Olympia divorce professionals will guide you through the process from start to finish, always maintaining focus on the issues you deem as the most important.

Our Washington Divorce Attorneys can help you through this difficult time.

When it comes to a divorce, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure that your rights are being protected. When children are part of divorce proceedings then it is even more vital to take the time needed to make sure that their future needs are addressed. All of which can be difficult, because a Washington divorce often leads to a great deal of emotional strain and stress.

Before getting started on your divorce process, you should take the time to talk with one of our Washington attorneys about your particular situation and the goals you would like to see accomplished. This is important, because a clear path toward resolving your Washington divorce will help alleviate some of your stress, and make transitioning into your new life considerably easier.

Our team of Washington divorce lawyers is skilled in all varieties of family law cases. Whether you are facing issues involving child support, or are in need of a modification of spousal maintenance, we have the legal tools and experience to help you through this difficult process.

One of the most trying aspects of many Washington divorce proceedings are negotiations. Often, exchanges become heated between spouses, but it’s important to try and remain focused on the outcome while attempting to build a compromise. Our Washington divorce attorneys help you during the negotiating process by encouraging an open dialog while protecting your personal interests.

Contact our Washington Divorce Attorneys today and start down the path toward a new life.

One of the first ways we encourage our Washington divorce clients is by helping to define a clear set of goals. This process starts by contacting us for a free divorce case evaluation, where we can start to delve into this sensitive process. From there, it is the goal of our divorce attorneys to start working toward meeting those goals in the most efficient way possible.

While the Washington divorce process can be trying at times, knowing that you are working toward building a new life will make the process smoother. Contact us today and take advantage of our free consultation offer. Our team of legal professionals will be with you every step of the way, and we promise to take a personal interest in the outcome of your divorce proceedings.


Olympia Bankruptcy Lawyers

There are a lot of reasons why people consider bankruptcy: divorce, medical bills, loss of a job, foreclosure, family emergencies or simply getting in over your head slowly while your income does not increase as planned. Nobody wants to file bankruptcy but the laws are there to protect you if there is no way to get out of debt in a reasonable amount of time. It has long been known that it is better for the economy in general if people are allowed a fresh start so they can continue to work and care for themselves and their family with dignity.

We make it easy for you to talk to an attorney promptly about your financial situation. Our attorneys are available by phone or email during business hours, evenings and weekends.

During a short phone or email consultation, we can give you a general idea of what a bankruptcy can do for you, what chapter you are likely to file and a general idea of what your fees will be. We can also schedule a longer free consultation at one of our offices. We have several offices and flexible hours available for your convenience.

You may feel a huge sense of relief just by giving us a call. Many people have the wrong idea about what kind of property they can keep in a bankruptcy, what kind of debt can be wiped out and how long a bankruptcy case will last. We can answer such basic questions while we give you a general idea of what we can do for you.

Choosing the right lawyer can be a difficult task. When you call our office, you will find that we are compassionate, professional and knowledgeable. You will have a chance to speak with our friendly staff and get comfortable communicating with our office. Such details are important when shopping for the right attorney.

After you talk to one of your attorneys, we are confident that you will want to set up a free consultation with us. We are eager to help you exercise the right to a fresh financial start that the law provides.

Stop the phone calls, get relief, and enjoy a fresh start

Bankruptcy has many benefits for those who qualify. One of the most stressful aspects of uncontrolled debt is the constant harassment from creditors who will do just about anything in an effort to get money from you that you just don't have. No matter how often you explain your personal hardship, they just continue to call you at all hours of the day, and may even contact relatives of your place of employment.

What you may not realize is that the second you file for bankruptcy, creditors are not longer allowed to contact you. Yes, the phone calls will stop. The letters will stop. You will be able to finally enjoy a good night's sleep without having to worry every times your phone rings.

Should I file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy

To answer this question, you need to talk to one of our Thurston County bankruptcy lawyers about your financial situation. With more than 50 years of collective experience handling complex bankruptcy cases in Olympia, our legal team is uniquely suited to help you get a fresh start. What follows is some basic information about each options.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy – If creditors are awarded any payments, the money comes from selling off unexempt property. These proceeds are divided among the creditors, but in most Chapter 7 situations debtors don't lose property because the law protects their interests with generous exemptions.

A trustee liquidates unexempt property, and most unpaid dept is wiped out, including payday loans, credit cards, and even medical bills. Some exemptions include back child support, student loans, and some back taxes owed to the IRS.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is easier, faster, and cheaper than a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but it's not always possible. You will take a “means test” to determine whether you qualify for this option, which is preferred by some people.

Chapter 13 – Creditors receive monthly payments from debtors with this option. After disclosing all income, property, debts, and your budget, a payment plan is created. These plans last between 3 to 5 years. Before the payment plan is finalized, you will likely have to attend a meeting of creditors, but it's rare for creditors to actually appear at these meetings. Don't worry though, because your Thurston County bankruptcy lawyer will be at your side.

Bankruptcy cases are heard in the United States Bankruptcy Court in Western Washington. Talk to one of our Olympia bankruptcy lawyers today and find out your options.

Traffic Tickets

Olympia Traffic Ticket Lawyers

Getting a traffic ticket will quickly ruin your day, especially when you start thinking about how it may affect your auto insurance rates. Since traffic tickets are recorded on your driving record, the only way to prevent your insurance rates won't skyrocket is to fight the ticket. If you feel like you didn't deserve a citation, then you likely want to fight the ticket out of principle anyway. Is it possible to fight an Olympia traffic ticket?

In short, yes. Before you take the next step you should familiarize yourself with the law pertaining to your citation, which is provided below. Next, contact one of our Thurston County traffic ticket attorneys for a free consultation and find out more information about our flat fee process for fighting citations.

Whether you're accused of running a red light, speeding, failure to stop, or any other traffic infraction, our Olympia lawyers are ready to help. If you already have points against your license, it's important to consider how another ticket will affect the status of your driver's license. If you're not able to drive, how will you get to work or pick up kids from school?

What our Olympia traffic ticket lawyers can do for you

Our first order of business will be to determine whether it's possible to have your ticket dismissed. If not, we will then determine how to minimize the damage, preferably by keeping the ticket from appearing on your driving record. If successful, your insurance rates will likely remain the same and you won't have to worry about points being assessed to your driving record.

When you retain one of our lawyers for an affordable flat fee, they handle every aspect of the ticket from start to finish. You won't have to appear in municipal court, you will save time, and you won't have to worry about missing any important dates.

Our law firm has handled countless traffic ticket cases. The best Thurston County lawyers will tell you the same thing – It's never easy to fight a traffic ticket, but it's far better than the alternative, especially if you're at risk of having your license suspended. Even though it's become more difficult to successfully fight traffic tickets in Washington over the years, our lawyers treat ever case with optimism and aggressively pursue a favorable end result.

Our flat fee for handling traffic ticket cases runs between $300 and $400, depending on the nature of offense. Ignoring a ticket will cost you a lot more in the long run. Contact one of our lawyers today to get more information, and find out whether we think you have a chance of being successful.

Breaking down common Washington State traffic violations

What follows is a breakdown of the most common traffic ticket cases we handle. If you need further assistance, contact us today for a free evaluation of your situation.

Speeding – Almost everyone has done it at least once in their life. Some drivers speed every day. If you keep testing the limits of the law, sooner or later you will get a speeding ticket. Our attorneys are often able to challenge these tickets, which prevents your driving record from being adversely affected.

Speeding in a school zone – Even traveling just 5 miles per hour over the limit in a school zone can result in an expensive citation. Law enforcement has little patience for speeding in a school zone, so contact one of our Olympia traffic ticket lawyers to find out if you can fight this citation.

Speeding in a construction zone – Double fines makes this a particularly expensive Washington traffic ticket. The Municipal Court in Olympia takes these cases very seriously, but there are situations when this ticket may be challenged. Sometimes drivers are ticketed even when there are no workers or activity in the construction zone. This can confuse a driver who is unaware that the law still applies, so speak with a Thurston County traffic ticket lawyer to find out whether you can fight this citation.

Driving too fast for road conditions – This is not really a speeding ticket, because you can be cited for this offense even if you're traveling below the speed limit. As a motorist, it's your responsibility to read the road conditions to ascertain when slowing down is necessary. If you are involved in an accident when roads are compromised by bad weather, traffic, or other conditions that require extra caution, you can get ticketed. Since this is often up to a police officer's discretion who may not even have seen the accident, you should do everything you can to challenge an unwarranted assertion.

Following too close – Drivers usually receive these citations after rear-ending another motorist. A police officer (who likely didn't see the accident) will presume that you were following to close if you hit a vehicle in front of you. However, there are countless other factors that cause a rear end collision. Protect your interests with help from one of our Olympia traffic ticket attorneys.

Negligent driving, second degree – This is the most serious traffic infraction in Washington State and should be treated as such. You would to be wise to do everything you can to avoid this infraction from appearing on your driving record. Police officers routinely cite drivers for second degree negligent driving at their own discretion if they believe that the motorist was driving in a way that endangered other people and property. This means that they made an error in judgment, so talk to a lawyer today and find out whether it makes sense to challenge this assertion.

Failure to obey a traffic control device – There are many situations that can lead to being cited for this driving offense. Just one example would be driving straight ahead in the right turn only lane. Even bicyclists and pedestrians can be cited for ignoring a traffic control device. Drivers often accidentally commit these infractions when they are in an unfamiliar area. Some motorists even get bad directions from their smartphone map. Everyone makes mistakes, so speak with an attorney from our Olympia law firm and see if you can fight back.

HOV violations – The HOV lanes in Washington are for vehicles with multiple passengers, and if you break the rules you just may get a ticket. This one is relatively cut and dry – you either broke the law or you didn't. Still, we may be able to help you depending on your driving record and other factors.

Unsafe lane change – If you are involved in a collision with another vehicle while changing lanes, it's highly likely that you will get this ticket. You can also be cited for unsafe lane change by driving like a NASCAR pro and weaving in and out of traffic. These tickets are not easily challenged, but you should contact one of our Olympia lawyers to find out if we can help.

Driving without auto insurance – Washington State requires you to carry liability insurance. You can be fined $550 if you are pulled over and can't show proof of insurance. Making matters worse, you will also likely be cited for the offense that caused you to be pulled over in the first place. With two potential citations on your driving record, you could be facing a driver's license suspension or auto insurance rates that make you want to give up driving. Sometimes people simply forget to pay their auto insurance and get pulled over at an inopportune time. No matter the reason, talk to one of our attorneys and see if they can help mitigate the damage.

Running a red light – Everyone knows what this one entails, but did you know that you can be cited for running a red lights even when making a right turn without coming to a full stop? Other factors could come into play as well, so contact us to find out whether challenging your ticket is possible.

Running a stop sign – Most people don't just barrel through a stop sign at full speed, but many drivers practice the “California stop.” This is when a driver slows down to a crawl at a stop sign, but doesn't come to a complete stop. This often happens when people are late for work or an important diner date. You may even have been cited for simply stopping after crossing the white crosswalk sign, so get the facts from one of our Olympia attorneys before paying that ticket.

Failure to yield to emergency vehicle – You should avoid this ticket at all costs. Drivers can be fined $1,000 for this infraction, but sometimes people are cited for this offense under questionable circumstances. Contact one of our Thurston County traffic ticket lawyers for help.

Contact an Experienced Olympia Lawyer Today

If you need help from an attorney, put your trust in our combined experience more than a half century in the making. We will fight to protect your interests, and aggressively pursue the best possible outcome of your case.

Crime, Divorce, and Bankruptcy in Olympia

Olympia is the capital of Washington State and the Thurston County seat. Residents of Olympia enjoy the many benefits of living in Western Washington with a lifestyle that is far more laid back than other parts of Western Washington like Seattle. Still, the city is well within reach, as it a veritable wonderland of outdoor areas like the Pacific Coast, Puget Sound, Olympic National Park.

Crime in Olympia is lower than in some of the larger metropolitan areas in the region, and violent crime is actually below the national average. Property crime is higher than average, but this trend is common throughout the state, though experts are hard-pressed to figure out why. If you want to keep tabs on crime in Olympia and Thurston County, check out The Olympian's Crime Page for daily updates.

Divorce is quite common in Olympia. In fact, the State's Capital rates 31 st in the nation for divorced residents with 14.8% of the population claiming this distinction, according to statistical studies. Why Olympia has such a high divorce rate is anyone's guess, although the most common reason married couples divorce is due to money problems.

Unemployment rates in Olympia are higher than the national average, an taxes are high, so these factors could contribute to the high divorce rate. However, current and future economic growth predictions are quite high in Olympia, making it an exciting place to relocate for those seeking opportunity and real estate prices lower than in Seattle.

Olympia was hit hard during the recession in the late double-oughts, but it has rebounded nicely. The average home price is around $250,000, making it possible for many professionals to enjoy the Puget Sound lifestyle. However, regular people find themselves with insurmountable financial problems every day, which forces them to consider declaring bankruptcy. Still, this is far less prevalent today than it was just a few years ago.

As professional Olympia lawyers with a half-century of combined experience, we routinely see how divorce, bankruptcy, and regrettable mistakes often overtake people's lives. When this happens, it's always wise to seek out an experienced attorney who will do everything the law allows to protect their personal interests.

The lawyers at the office of Jason S. Newcombe are ready to help you take the next step and address your legal problems with care and optimism. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Client Reviews
Great service and follow up. Its a scary thing when you need a lawyer but Jason and his team make it less so. Very happy with our outcome. Scott Thibeault
"I can't say enough great things about Jason Newcombe Law Office. I am retired military and I highly recommend Jason Newcombe Law Office. I reached out to Jason's office after sitting for hours reviewing multiple Domestic Violence Law Offices in King County. He responded before that day was over. I spoke with Jason's both in-person and by phone; felt very comfortable with his years of experience and straight talk. He took on my case, took me through the process with sound advice. The Attorney Erin Lane who accompanied me with my court appearances; can't praise and thank her enough for her time, selflessness and educational information prior to each court appearance. She made a really daunting task for me less fearful, given such grim circumstances. I am forever grateful for Jason and the Team of Attorneys." Tommy Harville
"I cannot thank Mr. Newcombe and his staff enough. They are awesome. When I first contacted his offices, I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed and confused. He did an amazing job, I highly recommend him! I had two cases, and he got both of them dismissed. If you are in trouble, do yourself a favor, give him a call. " David
"I had Mr. Newcombe's firm handle my ticket and I greatly appreciate their assistance. It was handle easily and with good communication from the associates. If you need assistance with some legal matters then I would refer you to them. " Marvin
"Jason Newcombe and his Associate's are all top notch individuals who will fight tooth and nail for you and go the distance to ensure that you receive the best outcome possible on your case. I would not be where I am today if not for the Law offices of Jason Newcombe. " Eric Brandt